S3C Midterm Conference

27.5.2014, Évora, Portugal

Project Conference on the optimized activation and engagement of consumers, customers and citizens in Smart Grids projects

The S3C midterm conference in Évora on the 27th of May, 2014, will present the intermediate results of the S3C project regarding the facilitated inclusion of end-users of energy in Smart Energy and Smart Grid projects. Additionally, the conference will include the complementary approach of its sister project ADVANCED as well as insights from various other Smart Grids demonstrations and experts from the field. At the event, new perspectives, approaches and solutions in terms of sparking engagement in previously passive end-users will be presented.

Our experts and practitioners will interact in moderated discussions in three topical panels:

S3C Panel: First Results and Discussion with Sister Project ADVANCED 

This session will focus around the relevance of end-user-centered Smart Grid projects such as S3C and ADVANCED. What are the intermediate results of S3C? Where is the project heading from here? How does its approach compare to its sister-project ADVANCED? What is the contribution of end-user-centered projects to the national, European and international Smart Grids development from deployment in utilities to policy making?

Project Panel: Experiences with Involving End-users in Smart Grid Projects

In this session, project managers from different types of Smart Grids projects (bottom-up, self-funded, European funding projects, national funding projects etc.) and with different approaches (manual vs. automated control, slow learning approach, co-creation approach etc.) to end-user involvement will discuss the most important lessons learnt from their projects and compare their findings in a moderated discussion. Which experiences have been made in Smart Grid projects with activating and engaging end-users? Where do they overlap and where do they differ? How would the present project managers see their respective involvement approach: consumer-, customer- or citizen-oriented? How do the projects compare in engaging people at different stages in the project?

Behavioural / Social Science Panel: End-user Behaviour in Smart Grid Trials

In a new generation of Smart Grids projects, such as ADVANCED, S3C as well as many of their partner projects, the end-user takes center stage, as raising interest and consciousness for the low-interest topic energy and persuading them to change their routine behavior are complex endeavors. The experts of this panel will describe how their findings and experiences from their respective field relate to Smart Grids projects, energy and technology transitions in general and will discuss innovative ways for multi-disciplinary work on the topic and possible, potentially yet untested new approaches and solutions. How do different academic / theoretical disciplines relate to end-user engagement in Smart Grid projects? What can be learned from psychological, social marketing, sociological practice theory, etc.? How have such approaches been included in Smart Grid projects so far? What could be changed in the future to facilitate inter-disciplinary work on end-user engagement?

Furthermore, the event will include a field trip to the highly acclaimed inovcity test-site during which the participants of the conference will get a first-hand impression of how this project adressed and included its end-users. The guided tours will include demonstrations of the applied end-user equipment - which granted EDP the "Utility of the Year Award" at the 2012 edition of the "European Smart Metering Awards".

As the conference venue has limited capacity, please inform us of your interest to attend as soon as possible. The conference participation is free of charge.
We will keep you up to date with all relevant agenda developments and additional logistic details and suggestions in an event newsletter once you've registered.
For more information on the project and updates on the conference, become a member of our linked-in group.
Hotel M'AR De AR Aqueduto
Rua Cândido dos Reis 72
Preliminary Agenda
May 26th, 2014
04:00 PM Organised Transport from Lisbon to Évora
07:00 PM Pre-Conference Dinner and Get-Together
May 27th, 2014

09:00 AM Welcome Speech João Torres (CEO EDP and chair of EDSO)
09:30 AM User Involvement in Smart Grids  EC representative (tba)
10:00 AM The S3C project - First results and discussion with sister project ADVANCED Dr. Erik Laes (VITO)
Marina Lombardi (Enel)
S3C workpackage leaders
11:00 AM Coffee Break
11:30 AM Project Panel: Experiences with involving end-users from Smart Grid Projects Dr. Tobias Graml (BEN Energy)
Wim Cardinaels (Linear project)
Saskia Muller (Amsterdam Smart City)
Elwin ter Horst (Rendement for Iedereen)
Fabio Luigi Bellifemine (Telekom Italia, Energy@Home Project); further speaker (tba)
01:00 PM Presentation of the InovGrid project
António Aires Messias (Board of Directors Advisor, EDP Distribucao)
01:20 PM
02:20 PM
Field Trip to InovCity test site in Évora

03:20 PM
Coffee at Meeting Venue

03:30 PM
Behavioural / Social Science Panel: End-user Behaviour in Smart Grids Projects
Jessica Strombäck (VaasaETT, Smart Energy Demand Coalition);
Dr. Americo Mateus (Ideas (R)evolution, UNICDOM/IADE); 
Dr. Erik Laes (Vito); 
Michele de Nigris (RSE); 
Henrik Karlstrom (Norwegian University of Science and Technology, IEA DSM Task 24);
Prof. Ruth Rettie (Social Marketing, Kingston College London);
further speaker (tba)
05:00 PM
Wrap Up: Next Steps for S3C
Dr. Erik Laes (VITO);
Ludwig Karg (B.A.U.M. Consult GmbH)
05:15 PM
Farewell from EDP

05:20 PM
End of Conference

06:00 PM
Bus Transfer to Lisbon

Host: EDP Distribucao and B.A.U.M. Consult on behalf of the S3C consortium