VITO - Vision on Technology
"Adding the social aspect to VITO's Vision on Technology contributes to the awareness and acceptance from society for a new way of being part of the energy community."
--- Erik Laes
VITO provides intelligent and high quality solutions, offering a competitive advantage to large and small companies. It also provides objective research, studies and advice enabling industry and government to establish future policies. VITO's research finds its application in sustainable process and production technologies or clean tech, environment, energy efficiency, renewable energy, smart grids, advanced material and analysis techniques, secondary materials, healthcare, etc., as well as in mapping and monitoring the effects of climate change on the one hand and mitigation on the other hand. It is obviously not only VITO's aim to map climate change and all its consequences, but certainly also to develop measures to prevent this change. Clean tech offers the solution. VITO has gained extensive knowledge particularly on Smart Grid technologies and development in several national and European projects, such as ADDRESS or Linear.
Role in S3C
In the framework of S3C, VITO acts as the Project Coordinator, in fact the legal and financial representative at European level. VITO will also act as the leader of WP1. WP1 deals with the framing of S3C. A theoretical background for the project will developed based on theoretical research as well as practical experiences.
VITO – Vision for Technology
Boeretang 200,
2400 Mol,

Erik Laes
Upcoming events