S3C is designed to be an inclusive project connecting other Smart Grid projects – ongoing and concluded – in a so-called Family of Projects.
The consortium’s experts will be comparing and analysing existing results and share new know-how on best practice tools and strategies and validate them in the test-beds of currently on-going projects.
The arising knowledge will be shared with all the projects participating in the Family of Projects, so that those that supported the S3C toolkit can profit from the project result first hand.
The projects that can participate in S3C are not limited to certain topic areas of end-user engagement. We are looking for projects focusing on (automated) Smart Home technologies, variable tariffs, smart feedback systems, demand side and generation management for enterprises and private households, awareness raising campaigns on energy-related topics, highly innovative ICT-based customer engagement mechanisms, energy-related interaction through social networks, and other tools and strategies that activate the formerly passive consumers of energy.
We are currently conducting case studies on those of our partner projects that are already completed. These case studies will be featured here as soon as they are available.
If you are interested in learning more about the project, its set-up or would like to join the Family of Projects, just get in touch!
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